Ears are a matter of concern only when they are abnormal in size, projection or deficient in shape as compared to the opposite ear. These defects are usually present since birth. Following types of ears require correction to avoid ridicule in young children by their peer group.
Operative and post operative:
Best time to reshape the external defects of the ears is before the child goes to school around 5 years of age. The surgery is painless and done under anesthesia. It involves reshaping and repositioning the cartilage framework of the ear in prominent or cup shaped defects. Absence or rudimentary ears require multistage procedure and making of ear shape from the ribs and costal cartilages. Alternatively synthetic implants may be used. These procedures require a high degree of surgical skill and often require more than one surgery.
Children need to be fully counseled and require efficient postoperative care both by doctors and the parents. One stage takes about 7 days healing time but the ears may require protection with bandages and covers for about 4 to 8 weeks.
Results and complications:
Prominent or bat and cup shaped ears can be restored to almost normal shape and size. The results for very small crumpled or absent ears vary from very good to not so good depending upon the defect and the surgeon’s skill.
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