
Breast augmentation can enhance a woman’s appearance and self confidence and self-esteem. Breast size is an important factor for many women. Having their breasts enlarged satisfies their desire for a fuller bust line. An increase of one or two cup sizes does wonders for a woman’s self-esteem.
One may be a candidate for breast augmentation for one or more of the following reasons :

  • Someone is extremely self-conscious about the breast size
  • Reduction of breast volume and firmness after pregnancy.
  • To balance inequality in sizes of both breasts.
  • There is a considerable change in ones breast size after weight loss.
  • Breast reconstruction after Mastectomy.


FAQ's regarding breast surgery

Types, Shapes & Sizes of implants:

A breast implant is made of a silicone shell filled either with silicone gel or saline or both. The shape and size of the implants vary according to the expectations of the patient.
In consultation with one’s plastic surgeon, one will have to decide the appropriate breast size, the location of the incisions and whether the implants will be placed on top of or underneath the chest (pectoralis) muscle(dual Plane ). An incision can be made either underneath the breast, just above the crease (infra mammary), around the lower edge of the areola (dark area around the nipple) (periareolar) or within the armpit (axillary).

How breast augmentation is performed?
The incision is 1-2inches long and an adequate pocket is made to place the implant. This pocket is made either directly behind the breast tissue (sub mammary) or under the pectoral muscle (sub pectoral), which is located between the breast tissue and the chest wall.Now a days Duel plane breast Augmentation has gained more popularity and acceptence 

How will one look and feel immediately after the surgery?
After the surgery the breasts will be wrapped in gauze dressings. One may go home after a few hours or the next day. One should avoid strenuous activities for a few days after surgery. The sutures if any, will be removed within a week. Initially there will be some discomfort and swelling, but this subsides quickly. Most residual swelling will resolve within a month. One will have to wear a surgical bra or a support bra for a few weeks.

When can one resume normal activities?
Depending upon one’s job, someone may return to work within a few days. Vigorous movements, especially arm movements may be restricted for two to three weeks.

Are there any complications following silicone breast implants?
There is absolutely no evidence that breast implants will cause cancer, affect fertility, pregnancy or one’s ability to nurse. In fact, the silicone gel filled breast implants are the most thoroughly researched and clinically tested medical implant devices known to man.

Reduction Mammoplasty & Mastopexy :
It is performed to reduce the weight and volume of the breast and reshapes the breast. It is indicated because of physical (back pain, neck pain, maceration in infra-mammary region) or psychological (focus of embarrassment) reasons. It can be done surgically or with liposuction alone. Mastopexy is done for reshaping & better projection of breast which are hanging loose (ptosis).


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